- Non-Availability of Rooms in HRI Guest House at Prayagraj
- AV systems at HRI
- HRI Registration Certificate
- HRI Bye-Laws ( Click for Hindi Version / Click for English Version )
- HRI Organizational Manual
- Annual Reports with Audited Accounts and Academic Reports
- Constitution of Committees
- Addendum of Committees for Computer Commttee w.r.t. OM dated 13-6-2023
- Addendum of Committees for Academic Infra committee w.r.t. OM dated 13-6-2023
- Addendum of Committees for transport committee w.r.t. OM dated 13-6-2023
- Addendum of Committees for academic infra and outreach programme w.r.t. OM dated 13-6-2023
- Liaison/Nodal Officers
- Various User Charges
- Holidays
- Guest House Room availability
- Sexual Harassment Act / Policy
- OM - DAE Circular on private foreign visit
- General Grievance Details
- Government e-Marketplace (GeM) Manual
- Swachhta Abhiyan/Pakhwada
- OM - Declaration of Assets
- OM - UGC Regulations, 2019 - Constitution of Institutional Student Grievance Redressal Committee (ISGRC)
- A Report on Infosys Visitors
- Details of Immovable Property/Assets of HRI Employees
- Notice regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- List of Available Items in Stores and Purchase Office